1st Feb
All is happening according to plan so far, the assistant
at the studio Milan Singh has close to 2 tons of clay ready, the glazes have
been tested on raw clay and few slips have been made. We have the metal frame
fabricated for a kiln Thiebaut has designed and over 300 porcelain buttons are ready
for it. There is plenty of wood and the bricks are stacked up. But will all go
according to schedule?
We start the day with a meeting trying to sort out the
many unanswered practical questions: How much clay will each of us want? What
were we thinking of making and will we have enough kiln space? How are we going
to dry and fire the works? What solutions will we find to make and finish our
works- glazes or slips?
By the end of the day many things had sorted themselves out Kathy, Naidee and Alvin decided to work at the Maihar studio and navigated the issue of only one functional
wheel and the non-plastic clay. Thiebaut, Jacques, Sandy and Madhvi worked at the Art Ichol space, 7kms away and had figured out how to dry the excessively wet
clay and mix rice husk into it to start building. Jacques had spoken to the local
brick-layers for his project and Madhvi had gathered the cow dung chips and hay that she needed. We definitely do not have enough clay or kiln space but work has begun!
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